Here's some bonus stuff involving best friends supreme!

The Intro That Never Was And Never Will Be

Ever wanted to know just how weak Cj is at setting up the studio prior to recording? Will here you go! Recorded as the original intro to “Episode 150: The Poop Loop TM”, this “bit” was cut because.. well… c’mon, it’s not that great for mainline content. but it IS great for some extra content so… enjoy!

Fan of "Looking Back" but don't give a damn about Cj's adoslence? Dive into the other half of TFP's past in our online segment, "Gazing Backwards"! .....It's just BK's Tumblr with posts copied over from MySpace. Enjoy!

GAZING BACKWARDS: The Not-So-Short Story of BK

Roughly Seven Minutes In Heaven:

In February, Cj turned the big 3-0. To celebrate, he threw a "House Party" House Party themed after the critically acclaimed film, "House Party". Dudes supreme rounded up all of the homies (including some past guests) and recorded in the secret Spooky Door Studios what will be known as "Roughly Seven Minutes In Heaven".